Delete files and folders on Mac. At any time, you can get rid of files, folders, and other items that you no longer need. You start by dragging items to the Trash in the Dock, but the items aren’t deleted until you empty the Trash. To search for and locate files you want to delete, see Narrow your search results on Mac. Nov 13, 2014 For the main /Library/Preferences folder, I wouldn't touch until I knew I had a way to easily fix it in case the Mac wouldn't boot to that partition after clearing it. It's easy enough. Just have any other partition with a bootable installation of OS X on it that has.
Oct 07, 2019 Choose Apple menu System Preferences, click iCloud, then click the Options button next to iCloud Drive. Store in iCloud turns on the Desktop & Documents Folders and Optimize Mac Storage settings. To turn off iCloud Drive entirely, deselect iCloud Drive. In Photos, choose Photos Preferences.
Photos User Guide
When you import photos and videos into Photos, they’re copied to the Photos library in the Pictures folder. If you prefer, you can store photos and videos outside the Photos library (for example, in a folder on your Mac or on an external drive) and still view them in Photos. Files stored outside your library are called referenced files.
Referenced files aren’t automatically uploaded and stored in iCloud, and they aren’t backed up along with the rest of your files when you back up your photo library—you must back them up manually. To avoid manually backing up referenced files, you can move or consolidate the files into your library.
Store imported files outside the Photos library

In the Photos app on your Mac, choose Photos > Preferences, then click General.
Deselect the “Copy items to the Photos library” checkbox.
Now, when you import photos or video, Photos leaves the files in their original location and accesses them as referenced files.
Find a referenced file in the Finder
In the Photos app on your Mac, select a referenced file.
Choose File > Show Referenced File in Finder.
Copy referenced files into a Photos library
Mac Clear Libraries Folder Search
You can copy referenced files into your photo library so they’re easier to back up and are automatically stored in iCloud if iCloud Photos is turned on.
In the Photos app on your Mac, select the files that you want to copy into the photo library.
Choose File > Consolidate.
Click Copy.

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Mac Clear Libraries Folder Download
If you’ve got a lot of files and folders on your Mac, you want to clean up every once in a while to stay organized and make it easier to find specific items.
First, locate any files or folders that you want to delete. You just click to highlight file and drag it into the handy trash can at the dock at the bottom of the screen. If you change your mind or make a mistake, you can type Command + Z at the same time to undo the last action. Select the file you’d like to get rid of and to drag it down into the trash.
Now before you empty all the items in the trash permanently, it’s always smart to take a look at the contents of the trash bin and make sure you didn’t accidentally toss in something important. Just double click on the trash icon at the dock to open the finder window that shows the contents. If there’s something in there that you don’t want to delete, you can click on it and drag it back to a safe location. Otherwise, to empty the trash, press the Command + shift + delete at the same time or you can go up to the finder option, in the top navigation and select empty trash.
Now you can only empty the trash when the focus in on the finder. If you’re at another application and you try to use command + shift + delete, it won’t work. You’ll get quick confirmation warning to keep you from doing something. Maybe your cat walked across the keyboard and hit Command + shift + delete. If you’re sure it’s safe to get rid of the files for good, click ok and everything in the trash will be permanently deleted.
If you don’t want to confirm “yes” every single time you delete files from the trash, just go back to the finder menu and select preferences. Then in the preferences window, choose advanced and uncheck the box to show warning before emptying the trash. Now you won’t get that prompt any more when you empty the trash bin.
Mac Clear Libraries Folder List
And that’s how you take out the trash in Mac OS X Leopard. If only cleaning your house were this easy.