Cannot Open Photos Mac Photos Library

Photos in your System Photo Library are available in apps like iMovie, Pages, and Keynote. You can also sync them to iOS devices and view them on Apple TV. And if you want to use your own images as your desktop picture or screen saver, the images need to be in your System Photo Library before you can select them in System Preferences.

If you have only one photo library, then it's the System Photo Library. Otherwise, the first photo library that you create or open in Photos will become the System Photo Library. If you have more than one library, you might need to designate a System Photo Library, so other apps can access the photos and videos you want them to use.

  1. 2018-1-17  I wanted to manually retrieve a photo from my external HD. HDbackupsmy MacBookdate of backupMac HDusersiPhoto Library. A window opens to indicate 'the items cannot be added to your iPhoto library because the file format is not supported by Photos'.
  2. 2015-4-21  I successfully migrated from iPhoto library to this new Photos Library in April.17th, and everything seems okay except for some minor bugs. But from yesterday on, I started Photos and got this message 'Can't open Photos Library, try another.' If I try reading iPhoto or Aperture Library.
  3. “Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I had my old iphoto library backed up on an external hard drive, and when I tried to open it as the library for iphoto (both from the external drive AND after copying it to my internal macbook drive), it didn’t show any photos in it!! Even though the library was 26GB.

Follow these steps to designate a System Photo Library:

  1. Quit Photos.
  2. Hold down the Option key and open Photos. One of the photo libraries is already designated as YourLibraryName (System Photo Library).
  3. Choose the library you want to designate as the System Photo Library.
  4. After Photos opens the library, choose Photos > Preferences from the menu bar.
  5. Click the General tab.
  6. Click the Use as System Photo Library button.

2020-1-9  'Unsupported Library' cannot open my photos stored on an external drive. I could upgrade from Mojave to Catalina but I would not be able to use my Microsoft for Mac 2011 apps and I rely on Outlook for communicating. Buying extra iCloud storage isn't a big deal but I cannot even open up the Photos app on the external drive in order to.

If you open a second or different library in the Photos app, and you haven't designated it as the System Photo Library, other applications will use photos from the original System Photo Library. Hold down the Option key when you open Photos to see which library is set as the System Photo Library.

iCloud and the System Photo Library

You can use iCloud Photos, Shared Albums, and My Photo Stream only with the System Photo Library. If you choose a different library in Photos without designating it as the System Photo Library, the iCloud tab in Photos preferences is disabled:

If you designate a new library as the System Photo Library and then turn on iCloud Photos, the photos and videos in the new library will merge with those already in your iCloud Photos. If you want to keep the contents of your photo libraries separate, don’t turn on iCloud Photos for more than one library in Photos.

Back up your library

Before following any of these steps, it's a good idea to create a backup of your photo library, even if you use iCloud Photos. You can use Time Machine, use a third-party backup solution, or copy the library to an external drive. By default, your photo library is stored in the Pictures folder within your home folder.

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Make sure that your software is up to date

Photos is part of the Mac operating system. You can avoid or fix many issues by running the most up-to-date version of macOS. Learn more about updating the software on your Mac.

If you use RAW images in Photos, learn more about the digital camera RAW formats supported by iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

Oct 03, 2018  If you want to access the Library folder only occasionally, you can use the Go to Folder option in Finder. Open Finder or just click on the desktop. Head to Go Go to Folder, or hit Cmd + Shift + G. Type: /Library in the Go to the folder box on the dialog box and click Go or press Enter. What can i delete from library mac. Jan 12, 2020  How to Make the Library Visible Permanently. Launch Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities. Enter the following command at the Terminal prompt: Press Return. Once the command executes, you can quit Terminal. The Library folder will now be visible in the Finder. Should you ever wish to set.

If you have trouble migrating an existing iPhoto or Aperture library to Photos

You might see an alert message when you first open Photos or migrate an existing iPhoto or Aperture library. Learn what to do if Photos can’t copy or create a library.

Jul 01, 2013  Optional: install GURLS by explicitely building the install project included in the solution (it is not automatically built when building the solution). Configuring GURLS/bGURLS. The configuration step is carried out using CMake. In the following we describe the configuration process using the GUI of CMake, e.g. Under Windows or Mac. If you are totally new to Mac, App Store looks like this: and Xcode looks like this: Install Command Line Tools. Next you must install Xcode's command-line tools, so start a Terminal - by pressing ⌘+SPACE and starting to type Terminal and when it guesses correctly, just hit Enter/Return. Mar 24, 2017  First open the project in VS, if it is not already opened. Right click on the project name and select Properties. Unfold the C/C list and select General → Additional Include Directories, double click and select Edit. Use the yellow button to insert a new line and browse for mklinclude in your project folder and press Select folder. Sep 03, 2013  Create C Program with Static Library using Xcode in Mac OS X The following program is a complete program that uses some math functions. Install MX Linux on Mac Mini (late 2009) We manage to install MX Linux successfully without any modification on the drivers. After installation, we just need to add our desired sof. Make sure to select a released version of the library. Some library repositories are still in development, and may contain unreleased or untested code. The 'Releases' button takes you to the tested and released versions. Click the 'Releases' button on the Github repository page to find the released version of the library. Then download the zip file.

If the Media Browser isn't showing your photos and videos

Use the Media Browser to make images from your photo library available in other apps, like Pages and iMovie. The Media Browser shows only the contents of the Photos library designated as the System Photo Library. If you have more than one Photos library—and the one you're using isn't set as the System Photo Library—the Media Browser won't show its contents.

Follow these steps to designate the current library as the System Photo Library:

  1. Choose Photos > Preferences.
  2. Click the General button at the top of the Preferences window.
  3. Click Use as System Photo Library.

If you're having other issues with Photos

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If you're experiencing other issues—like missing or blank photo thumbnails, unexpected behavior, or if Photos won’t open—try to see if it's an issue with your library by following these steps.

Create a new Photos library and see if your issues persist:

  1. Quit Photos.
  2. Press and hold the Option key while you open Photos.
  3. In the dialog that appears, click Create New.
  4. Give your new library a name, then click OK. Note whether Photos opens successfully with this new library.

To return to your main Photos library, quit Photos. Then open it again while holding the Option key, select your main library, and click Choose Library.

In general, upgrades would not result in photo loss. In my case, while doing Library First Aid I can still use my Mac though it is a little sluggish during the process. Note Two: You may need to wait a few minutes or several hours for Photos to fix. New hard drive installation. Advanced algorithm and high photo recovery rateCheck Your Pictures Folder at FirstPeople are accustomed to updating Mac to a new system by clicking on the 'Update All' option in the App Store, which will also automatically update other apps like Photos. Just go to Macintosh HD Users Home Pictures, and press Cmd + I to check your photos.

Cannot Open Photos Mac Photos Library Size

Alternatively, you can open Photos in another user account on your Mac and note whether Photos opens successfully.

If Photos opens with the new library, or in a different user account, it might mean that there's an issue with your library. Follow the steps to use the Photos library repair tool on your main Photos library.

Cannot Open Url

Learn more

Cannot Open File

  • Learn how to create and order print products like books or calendars in Photos with Project Extensions.
  • Get help with iCloud Photos.