I am trying to move my photos from my 4 year old Macbook to my Mac, both of which have iPhoto 11. I was going to do it via firewire, but my laptop doesn’t have a connection. Is there a way I can use an adapter and go through a usb port? If not, what is the easiest way to complete the transfer? I am not a very technology-savvy guy…

Copy My Iphoto Library Another Mac Os

Iphoto Library To Photos
Jan 29, 2015 Cool Tip: If you want to transfer your iPhoto Library to another Mac just plug your drive to it and copy your iPhoto library backup to the target Mac’s Pictures folder. Be warned though, this. May 29, 2017 How To Safely Move Your iPhoto Library to Another Hard Drive (Video Tutorial) by Curtis Bisel Last updated May 29. It’s Curtis, from Scan Your Entire Life, and if you use iPhoto for Mac, I would like to show you how to fix this problem. It’s very important that you have a backup copy of your iPhoto Library file, before you do what.
Apr 23, 2011 This tutorial will show you the secret trick how to safely move your iPhoto libary to another hard drive. Do it wrong and you might accidentally ruin your entire collection. Nov 12, 2019 How to Back Up iCloud Photo Library to a Mac. Open the Photos app on your Mac by clicking its icon in the Dock. Click Photos in the menu bar and select Preferences from the drop-down menu. Choose the iCloud tab in the preferences screen. Check the box in front of iCloud Photos. For copying iPhoto library to a new Mac: Connect your external hard drive. When it displays on Finder, drag the iPhoto Library folder. Eject the hard drive from your old Mac and connect it to this new one. Now open iPhoto on the new computer. Hold down the Option key on the keyboard. Jan 29, 2015 Cool Tip: If you want to transfer your iPhoto Library to another Mac just plug your drive to it and copy your iPhoto library backup to the target Mac’s Pictures folder. Be warned though, this will.
Import Iphoto Library To Photos
To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine you will have to link the two Macs together either by a Wireless Network, Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder to an external HD and then on to your new Mac… Then launch iPhoto. That’s it.
but if u have a fast enough internet connection then ill suggest i cloud...
Copy the file named iPhoto library in the photos folder on one mac and and paste it on the other one in the same location. (use a usb stick)
Sync your iPhoto libraries -
Also,if you like to have a online backup too,then -
The iPhoto library is actually a folder which your Mac shows as a file.
It's located in the /Users/username/Pictures folder and it's called iPhoto Library.
You can just copy the whole folder onto a hard drive or move it via Ethernet/Wi-Fi and put it in the same folder on your new Mac and it will be there.
To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine you will have to link the two Macs together either by a Wireless Network, Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder to an external HD and then on to your new Mac... Then launch iPhoto. That's it.
You will see all your photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else in your new Mac. But if you already have an iPhoto Library in your new Mac and want to merge it with your old library, the only way to do it is with the paid version of iPhoto Library Manager costing $20.
You can download it at this link: http://www.fatcatsoftware.com/iplm/. Good luck
how about to transfer to external hard drive and then to copy to new mac.
if you can buy a firewire card?
How to use and troubleshoot FireWire target disk mode
http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1661Ethernet Cable
How to Transfer From a PowerBook G4 to a MacBook Pro 13
http://www.ehow.com/how_8370279_transfer-g4-macbook-pro-13.html#ixzz2ACUV5bWDvia dropbox