Prepare your app to ask for permission when accessing the user's photo library.
- 2020-4-6 Before going ahead with the steps to Access the Hidden Library Folder on your Mac, you need to be aware that /Library Folder contains important Data and Files related to Mac User Accounts. Hence, make sure that you are accessing the Library Folder for a good reason and you do know as to what you are trying to achieve.
- 2020-3-24 So some music lovers try to access computer iTunes library from iPhone, iPad, iPod so that they can enjoy songs/videos more conveniently. In this post, we offer you 3 methods to easily access iTunes library from iPhone/iPad/iPod, no matter new released iPhone 11 or old iPhone Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6s. Now, let’s check how these methods work.
The user must explicitly grant permission for your app to access Photos. Prepare your app for this requirement by providing justification strings. The justification string is a localizable message that you add to your app's Info.plist
file to tell the user why your app needs access to the user's photo library. Then, when Photos prompts the user to grant permission for access, the alert displays the justification string you provided, in the language of the locale selected on the user's device.
To use classes that interact with the Photos library, such as PHAsset, PHPhoto Library, and PHImage Manager, your app's Info.plist file must include user-facing text for the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key, which the system displays when asking the user for access permission. Apps linked on or after iOS 10 will crash if this key is not present. 2017-3-15 Learn how Creative Cloud Libraries can help you access, organize, and share creative assets and use them in your Adobe desktop and mobile apps. Access, organize, and share creative assets for use in your Adobe desktop and mobile apps. As you move between computers and devices, your shared library items are automatically synced to your. Jan 29, 2013 Yes you read that correctly! Up until recently, there was no way to open a Microsoft Access database directly on a Mac. However, there are, at the time of writing, five apps, all available from the Mac App Store, which allow you to open and view data in Access database tables. Below is a summary of the apps. Dec 20, 2018 It’s a folder we often access to troubleshoot problems, but it’s also kept hidden for a reason–there’s a lot of information stored there that can potentially cause a lot of damage. For that reason, Apple decided to hide your user’s Library folder by default in Mac OS X 10.7 and all later Mac OSX and macOS releases.
How To Access Library On Mac 2018 Download
When using the UIImagePickerController
to bring up the user's photo library, your app doesn't need to request permission explicitly.
The first time your app uses PHAsset
, PHCollection
, PHAssetCollection
, or PHCollectionList
methods to fetch content from the library, or uses one of the methods listed in Applying Changes to the Photo Library to request changes to library content, Photos automatically and asynchronously prompts the user to request authorization.
After the user grants permission, the system remembers the choice for future use in your app, but the user can change this choice at any time using the Settings app. If the user has denied your app photo library access, hasn't yet responded to the permission prompt, or cannot grant access due to restrictions, any attempts to fetch photo library content will return empty PHFetchResult
objects, and any attempts to make changes to the photo library will fail. If this method returns PHAuthorizationStatus.notDetermined
, you can call the requestAuthorization(_:)
method to prompt the user for photo library access permission.
Update Your App's Info.plist File
To use classes that interact with the Photos library, such as PHAsset
, PHPhotoLibrary
, and PHImageManager
, your app's Info.plist
file must include user-facing text for the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key, which the system displays when asking the user for access permission. Apps linked on or after iOS 10 will crash if this key is not present.
Observe Changes Before Fetching
Use the register(_:)
method to observe photo library changes before fetching content. After the user grants your app access to the photo library, Photos sends change messages for any empty fetch results you retrieved earlier, notifying you that library content for those fetches is now available.

See Also

property list key NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription

A message that tells the user why the app is requesting write-only access to the user’s photo library.
How To Do
property list key NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
How To Access Library On Mac
A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s photo library.