How To Clean Photos Library Mac

If the photos on your Mac are taking over your hard drive, or you just want to start your photo and video collection afresh, the good news is that Photos for Mac allows you to delete all the media in the Photo Library in just a few short steps.

Before you go down this route, make sure you've backed up any photos or videos that you want to keep. iCloud will only let you restore all your deleted photos at once, but you can take a more selective approach by using a third-party solution like Google ‌Photos‌ or Dropbox on Mac or PC.

Jul 26, 2018  If you go ahead with the repair, the system will display a progress bar while it chugs away. Depending on the size of the photos library and the speed of the Mac being used, this could take a few.


How To Clear Photos Library Mac

Apr 10, 2018  Today, we're showing you how to clean your Apple Computer to make it run faster and free up disk space. If your Mac is running slow, this video is for YOU! Make sure all the photos are there, and that everything is working before deleting the Photo library on your Mac. Remember you will need to plug in your drive (or connect to it via WiFi in order. May 07, 2015  A window will pop up with a number, which in my Mac’s case was over 236GB between a number of different photo libraries — Apple’s Photo Booth, Aperture, iPhoto, and Photos, just to. If the photos on your Mac are taking over your hard drive, or you just want to start your photo and video collection afresh, the good news is that Photos for Mac allows you to delete all the media. Oct 29, 2018  iWork for Mac embraces iCloud Drive folder sharing. Use iOS 12’s smart albums to clean up your photo library. By Charlie Sorrel. 1:00 pm. Then open the Photos app, go to the Albums tab. Dec 14, 2017  Does your Mac's Photos library need some organization? Here are David's favorite tricks to organize your pictures. A lot of people put.

Note that if you've enabled iCloud Photo Library, any photos and videos you delete on your Mac are also deleted on any other devices for which ‌iCloud Photo Library‌ is also enabled (your iPhone or iPad, for example).

How To Clean Photos Library Mac

How to Delete All ‌Photos‌ on Your Mac

How To Clean Photos Library Mac Download

  1. Launch the ‌Photos‌ app on your Mac.
  2. Select ‌Photos‌ from the Library section at the top of the left column.
  3. Press the key combination Command+A to select all photos in your library.
  4. Press the Backspace key. Alternatively, right-click any photo and select Delete [number of] items.
  5. Next click Recently Deleted in the Library section in the left column.
  6. Click Delete All at the top-right corner of the window.
  7. Click OK to confirm.

If you use iCloud Photos, you can save on space in future by selecting Preferences... in the ‌Photos‌ menu bar, clicking the ‌iCloud‌ tab, and choosing Optimize Mac Storage. This ensures full-resolution photos and videos are replaced with smaller, device-sized versions. You can still download full-resolution versions from ‌iCloud‌ at any time.