Icloud Photo Library Not Updating On My Mac

The iCloud Photo Library is a valuable feature for iOS users - a service that safely stores every video or photo you take into iCloud. However, some iOS users today have experienced iCloud Photo Library stuck in uploading photos.

  1. May 05, 2017  As soon as I deleted the app, uploads of photos taken on that iPad resumed, and missing photos that were already on iCloud Photo Library started downloading on the device as well. If your iPhone or iPad stops uploading and downloading photos from iCloud, make sure to check your.
  2. ICloud is built into every Apple device. That means all your stuff — photos, files, notes, and more — is safe, up to date, and available wherever you are. And it works automatically, so all you have to do is keep doing what you love. Everyone gets 5GB of free iCloud storage to.

Apr 01, 2020  Designate a System Photo Library in Photos. If you have multiple photo libraries on your Mac, you can choose one to be the System Photo Library. The System Photo Library is the only library that can be used with iCloud Photos, Shared Albums, and My Photo.

This is not an happy experience and a lot of factors that could cause this problem. Two of these factors include iCloud authentication and bad placeholder allocation in the app and phone. The “preparing your library” message is an indicator that this annoying problem has paid you a visit. How do you fix the problem of iCloud photo library stuck in uploading photos? Here are the solutions.

Solution 1: Sign out iCloud Account from All Devices

Apple recommends that you sign out of your iCloud account from all your devices before signing in again. This has been proven to be helpful for many users experiencing iCloud uploading stuck problem. Although it might not permanently fix the problem, giving it a try would be ideal. For example, if you want to sign out your iCloud account on Mac, you can go to Apple menu > System Preferences > iCloud and then sign out.

Solution 2: Reconnect The Wi-Fi Network

Since the “sign out and sign in” solution is not a permanent fix, you can try reconnecting your Wi-Fi network. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi > Choose your current Wi-Fi. Next, tap “Forget this Network”, then turn the Wi-Fi off and allow it for a few minutes before you turn it on and reconnect the Wi-Fi network.

  1. Open the “Settings” app and tap on “Wi-Fi”. Locate the network you are connected to and click on the “i” next to it.
  2. At the top of this menu, choose “Forget This Network > Forget”. Tap on the “Wi-Fi” slider to disable all Wi-Fi connections.
  3. After a few minutes, enable Wi-Fi and reconnect to the Wi-Fi network.

Solution 3: Switch Your iCloud Photo Library Option on/off

If your iCloud Photo Library sync is turned on, please switch it off, wait for a few minutes, and then turn it on again. This should solve the uploading stuck photo problem in the photo library of your iPhone.

  1. Go to “Settings > Photos”.
  2. Disable the “iCloud Photo Library” slider.
  3. Wait a few minutes and reenable the slider.

Solution 4: Clean Library after Checking Your iCloud Storage

Disable your iPhone iCloud Photo Library, and then use image capture to delete the remaining photos from your iOS device. This solution cannot delete albums; hence, you can leave them on your phone. When the iCloud Photo Library is disabled, you would see a warning indicator. Click on “Remove from iPhone” since the aim here is to clean the photo library so you can start everything afresh.

  1. Open “Settings > Photos”.
  2. Tap on “Optimize iPhone Storage” and then “Remove from iPhone”.
  3. The majority of your photos will be uploaded to iCloud storage.

Icloud Storage Not Updating

Tip: Fix iCloud Photo Library Cannot Download Photos via 3rd Party Tool

Interestingly, iMyFone provides a tool - iMyFone iTransor (its original name is iMyFone D-Port Pro) which is designed to help iOS users. It is a tool that is fully compatible with iOS 12/11 version, iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus. Features of iTransor include:

  • It restores iCloud, iTunes, or backup files selectively.
  • WeChat, Whatsapp, Contacts and messages in general are separately backed up.
  • Backs up iPhone without overwriting or duplicating data.
  • Extracts over 18 data types from backup files or iOS device.

Mac Photos Not Updating

Icloud Photo Library Not Updating On My Mac

In order to download and restore iCloud backup, click “Restore Backup to Device” and select the iCloud backup from the backup list. If you do not find the iCloud backup in the list, you can still download it from your iCloud account. Click the hyperlink “Log in” which is located below the backup list, then follow the instructions you find so you can restore the files. The steps include:

  1. Now there will be two options for you - Restore Full Backup and Restore Partial Backup. Choose 'Restore Full Backup'.
  2. Read the notes on screen and connect your device to computer. Now you can choose to restore directly or restore with previewing.
  3. Once you have downloaded and scanned the backup, the data will be displayed if you choose to preview first.
  4. After previewing the data, click “Restore”. The program will now restore the data of your choice. After some time, you would be able to view and make use of the data on your iOS device.

Icloud Library Not Updating

The above solutions are invaluable in ensuring you do not see any indicators such as “preparing your library”, “Updating Photos” or “Uploading Photos” anytime soon. Have you tried any of these solutions? Have they worked for you? Feel free to let us know in the comment section and we would love to help where possible.

Download Icloud Photo Library To Pc

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