This article is intended for system administrators. If you believe this issue affects you, contact the system administrator for your business or school.
Ever since Lion (OS X 10.7), Apple has hidden your personal Library folder (/Library) by default. In Lion and Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8), you could make the folder visible, but it required some work. The Mac OS is chock full of hidden areas where data, information, or features have been secreted away from Mac users. One of these clandestine locations is the users library folder, commonly written out as /Library/. What’s In Your Library? Although hidden, the users library folder contains quite a.
Mar 26, 2019 Every Mac includes a series of files, folders and directories that are under the hood, hidden and invisible, unless you know where and how to look. One of those is the usr folder, also known as the /usr directory. In this article, we cover how to access it and what you can do with this access. May 30, 2019 By default, the Library folder on Mac is hidden from the user. Apple keeps Library invisible in order to protect users from accidental deletion or modification of important files stored there: application settings, caches and other system files needed to run the programs. Dec 20, 2018 This action makes any hidden files or folders visible in your Finder, including the user library and all other hidden files. This command causes any hidden folders and files appear as shaded icons. These files remain visible until the next time you use the command again or restart/shutdown your Mac. Some troubleshooting procedures require you to navigate to and view a hidden folder on Mac. You can access the Library folder with the Go To Folder command or from the Terminal app. Access the Library folder in Finder: In Finder, choose Go Go To Folder In the Go To The Folder field, enter /library. Jul 30, 2014 Instructions for displaying and opening the user library folder (which is hidden by default) in Mac OS X 10.7 and later. How to Show the User Library Folder in OS X. Show The Users Library.
Hide a user account in the macOS login window
1. Log in as an admin user.
Show User Library Mac
2. Use this Terminal command. Substitute the short name of the user that you want to hide for 'hiddenuser':
The user account is also hidden in System Preferences the next time it's opened. This command can't be used with the Guest user account. Learn how to manage the Guest user account.
Show a hidden user account
Open Hidden Library In Mac
If you want to show the hidden user, set the user’s IsHidden attribute to 0:
If you want, you can delete the IsHidden attribute instead.
Hide the home directory and share point
You can move the hidden user's home directory to a place that's not visible from the Finder. And you can remove the hidden user's Public Folder share point.

This command moves the home directory of 'hiddenuser' to /var, a hidden directory:
This command updates the user record of 'hiddenuser' with the new home directory path in /var:
This command removes the Public Folder share point for the user with the long name 'Hidden User”: