- Copy Packages To New R Version Mac Copy Library To Pc
- Copy Packages To New R Version Mac Copy Library To Computer
- Copy Packages To New R Version Mac Copy Library To Ipad
Using this menu you can open the on-line manuals (R Help), read this FAQ and review the latest changes, bug fixes and new features of R for Mac OS X (What’s new in this version). There are also interfaces to the R help and help.search functions as well as the example function. Jun 15, 2015 A step by step (screenshots) tutorial for upgrading R on Windows. Step 9: Press “Yes” to copy your packages to the new R installation (press No. The subdir library in the new R is not writable and remains so during updating using the R-scripts. Therefore, the packages in the old R should be copied/pasted by the administrator self.
Copy Packages To New R Version Mac Copy Library To Pc
- Dec 16, 2015 It’s that time again—time for a new R version! The latest version 3.2.3 “Wooden Christmas Tree” is a small upgrade for most, but a huge step for Windows users. Of the new features included in Wooden, half of them are Windows-specific. Several months back I wrote a.
- Mar 14, 2019 This has never happened to me before. Is it due to the update? Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Yes, it is, your problem is that you are trying to install over the old packages and that is causing conflicts, you need to start all over by un install R deleting the library folder and making a new clean installation.
# Script to install necessary packages after new R version |
# Package building |
install.packages('devtools') |
library('devtools') |
install.packages('roxygen2') |
# Data manipulation |
install.packages('dplyr') |
install.packages('tidyr') |
install.packages('lubridate') |
install.packages('purrr') |
install.packages('reshape2') |
# Don't install these, use the above packages |
# install.packages('plyr') |
# Reading data |
install.packages('readr') |
install.packages('httr') |
install.packages('xml2') |
install.packages('jsonlite') |
install.packages('rvest') |
#install.packages('gdata') |
# Plots |
install.packages('ggplot2') |
install.packages('ggmap') |
install.packages('gridExtra') |
install.packages('scales') |
install.packages('viridis') |
# Database packages |
install.packages('RODBC') |
install.packages('RJDBC') |
install.packages('RMySQL') |
install.packages('RSQLServer') |
# ROracle for Windows: |
# Instructions: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ROracle/INSTALL |
# Install Oracle Instant Client 64 bit, Basic + SDK) |
# http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index-097480.html |
# Then |
# install.packages('C:/Users/aparju/Downloads/oracle_stuff/ROracle_1.2-1.zip', repos=NULL) |
# Spatial data |
install.packages('sp') |
install.packages('maptools') |
install.packages('spdep') |
install.packages('raster') |
# For rgeos and rgdal, follow http://tlocoh.r-forge.r-project.org/mac_rgeos_rgdal.html |
install.packages('rgeos') |
install.packages('rgdal') |
install.packages('gdalUtils') |
install.packages('cleangeo') |
# Modelling |
install.packages('mgcv') |
install.packages('lme4') |
install.packages('gamm4') |
install.packages('numDeriv') |
install.packages('glmnet') |
install.packages('AUC') |
# RStan - check that ok to install directly from CRAN |
# Check guide here: https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/wiki/RStan-Getting-Started |
install.packages('rstan', repos = 'https://cloud.r-project.org/', dependencies=TRUE) |
install.packages('rstanarm') |
# source('http://mc-stan.org/rstan/install.R', echo = TRUE, max.deparse.length = 2000) |
# install_rstan() |
# Parallel stuff |
install.packages('doMC') |
# Rmarkdown |
install.packages('knitr') |
install.packages('rmarkdown') |
# Shiny |
install.packages('shiny') |
install_github('rstudio/shinyapps') |
Copy Packages To New R Version Mac Copy Library To Computer

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