Want to know how to fix the iTunes error – The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes? Follow this guide to solve it.
The File “iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. If you are trying to downgrade your iTunes beta back to a publicly released version of iTunes. Resulting in the horrible ‘” iTunes Library.itl ” (cannot be read). Jul 22, 2011 Installed OS X Lion. Tried to open iTunes and I get the following message: 'The files 'iTunes Library.itl' cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download iTunes now?' 2 Buttons 'Quit' and 'Download iTunes'. What is causing this and how can.
Oct 13, 2017 A common message popping up for users who went from the new iTunes 12.7 back to iTunes 12.6.3 was: “‘iTunes Library.itl’ cannot be read.” Not good. It meant that users couldn’t launch the downgraded version of iTunes and were prompted to. Nov 26, 2019 Fix file ‘iTunes library.itl’ cannot be read. In order to fix the file ‘iTunes library.itl’ cannot be read, you need to delete the file named iTunes library.itl. It’s as simple as selecting it and tapping the delete button but you need to know where the file is. Jun 24, 2011 Fixing “iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read, newer version of iTunes? June 24, 2011 / Dave Taylor / MacOS X Help / 36 Comments I’ve been experimenting with a beta release of Apple iTunes on my Mac system and decided I didn’t really want to use it after all.
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In September, Apple released its newest iTunes version – 12.7 to the public, with a lot of changes. But according to user’s feedback, they seem not happy with this new iTunes version. Because iTunes 12.7 focuses solely on music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and audiobooks, but the built-in App Store, apps and ringtone options have been removed.
Itunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read Mac Os
Apple might have realized that “certain business partners might still need to use iTunes to install apps”, so in October, it has reintroduced the iTunes 12.6.3 to users with the Apps Store and ringtone coming back.
You might be one of many users who downgrade iTunes from 12.7 to 12.6.3. But after iTunes 12.6.3 installation, you need firstly to rebuild your iTunes library. Or it would remind you with the message saying “The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.”
This is a little disappointing and annoying. How to fix this iTunes Library.itl cannot be read issue? Don’t worry. You can try the method in the following to get rid of it successfully and easily.
The File Itunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read Mac
How to Fix The File iTunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read
Step 1. Locate the iTunes Library.itl File
On Windows: Launch Computer option > Type in “iTunes Library.itl” in search bar > The file will be showed in the searching results.
How to Fix The File iTunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read on Windows – Step 1
On Mac: Launch Finder > Search “iTunes Library.itl” > Find it in the results.
Itunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read Because It Was Created By A Newer Version Of Itunes Mac
How to Fix The File iTunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read on Mac – Step 1
Step 2. Delete The Tunes Library.itl File
After you find the iTunes Library.itl file, move it to Trash.
Step 3. Re-Launch iTunes 12.6.3
Run iTunes 12.6.3 again, and it would work properly and re-built the library for you. Now you can drag and drop all of your songs into the newly created library.
How to Fix The File iTunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read – Step 3

Itunes Library .itl Cannot Be Read
There is one thing you need to know: iTunes 12.6.3 is not the recommended version by Apple, because Apple isn’t providing technical support for this version, only for 12.7.
But iTunes 12.7 without Apps Store, apps and ringtones management is such a big problem. So if you really have such needs for app deleting, transferring, and ringtones making, adding, transferring, etc. we sincerely recommend the best iOS data managing tool – AnyTrans to help you with these tasks.
Itunes Library Itl Newer Version
With AnyTrans, you would never suffer from iTunes 12.6.3 “iTunes Library.itl cannot be read” issue, but enjoy convenience of apps and ringtones managing options, which iTunes 12.7 cannot. Download and install it now, and follow these related and detailed guides to complete your tasks:
The Bottom Line
Itunes Library Itl Cannot Be Read Windows

Itunes Itunes Library.itl Cannot Be Read
With this method, the message “The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes” would not come out any more. Besides, not just about iTunes 12.6.3, if you encounter this problems in other situations, you can apply this method to fix it, too. Besides, for apps and ringtones managements, AnyTrans would be your perfect choice. Why not give it a try now?
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